Meet Brianna & Her Approach
As a non-therapist, I had the rare privilege of training at the NARM advance and Master's level which gave me tools to support clients to connect with their aliveness. I became a Somatic Experiencing (SE) practitioner and pursued further training in somatic attachment work. I'm continually training, assisting (in SE), consulting with teachers and diving deep in my personal work. I'm a proud mom, able to love my son more fully because my heart is more healed. I grew up in Vancouver B.C. where my love of nature started. Currently I live in Fairfield, IA.
I help people reconnect with their true essence using a psychobiological approach. We explore life-long patterns like people-pleasing, defensiveness or helplessness, and process the emotions that keep them stuck.
By tracking subtle impulses, movements, and breath, you gain awareness to how your body braces against feeling bad. This allows you to mindfully soften the grip which frees up your life energy.
At times, we dialogue with mind, heart and body. Old terror may discharge as we support scared parts somatically. By meeting all parts of you with kindness, you begin coming home to yourself. Over time, you build new internal pathways that allow for sustainable shifts.
If there's been traumas like sexual or physical, or womb or preverbal distresses, I have specific skills to help. Please see Modalities for details on my trainings.
"The spontaneous movement in all of us is toward connection, health, and aliveness. No matter how withdrawn and isolated we have become ..."
- Laurence Heller, PhD & Aline Lapierre, PsyD
If you're ready to embark on your journey to healing and wholeness, I would be honored to work with you. Feel free to reach out.
My personal healing journey, marked by neglect and major stresses in early life, became a gateway to my life's work. I majored in psychology and spent 28 years in personal and spiritual work before realizing I needed trauma healing that included the nervous system. Synchronicities led me to train in Dr. Laurence Heller’s NeuroAffective Relational Model™ (NARM) for healing attachment, relational and developmental trauma.